Susan Faber resides in Cochrane, Alberta, Canada. 1-403-850-9560
Susan has worked with clients from around the world for over 20 years, on Skype, Zoom, Phone and in Person. susanfaber123@gmail.com
Looking forward to helping you create a passionate life, with connection and clarity or whatever your desires are.
Until then, enjoy your loved ones. We never know what tomorrow will bring.
Susan Faber
Certified Astrologer CAAE, Human Design Specialist
Certified AE Coach, Lymphatic Drainage, Brain
CranioSacral, BodyTalk
Access Bars, Mediator, Teacher
Author, and so much more
Susan and Mike
Susan and her husband worked and played together. They didn’t take each other for granted. There was no exit strategy in their relationship because they were committed till death do us part. Susan and Mike faced the many challenges couples have head on and always worked on deepening their connection and passion. Susan’s husband was also always there for both their children.
One cold crisp winter morning, tragedy struck. Susan found herself doing CPR on her beloved, knowing in the depth of her heart and soul that his heart had stopped forever.
The only person to help Susan, at the time, was a compassionate coach on the 911 phone line. This patient loving woman guided and coached Susan through an incredibly painful event, step by step. Susan is deeply grateful to this ‘angel in her ear’ and will be for the rest of her life.

Susan has made a life of being this kind of coach and mediator. Since this tragic event, she has coached many people through trauma, problems and sabotage. Susan Faber is an amazing coach who has faced the ultimate challenge of loss. She brings a tenderness and commitment to helping people live and enjoy every moment.
Susan Faber, is the compassionate, courageous coach you have been looking for. She will coach, mediate and guide you, utilizing her skills in the trials and tribulations all your needs. The choice is yours to choose a joyful, connected life full of passion.
Susan Faber
Accelerated Evolution Coach, Mediator
Facilitator, Practitioner, Astrologer, Human Design Specialist
book your session today
Mission: Susan is a direct, dynamic coach, guide and mediator, whose mission is to create deeper connection, clarity and communication skills to eliminate the conflict and replace it with passion and fulfillment.
susanfaber123@gmail.com; 1-403-850-9560